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Autumn Bloom Yoga Retreat

Hosts: Melissa Krieger and Laura Benson

You'll be pampered with a variety of yoga classes, 100% organic meals and lots of free time to chill out. If you're needing time away to restore and rejuvenate this weekend is for you!

This retreat is meant to be a fun time away to recharge, eat great food, do lots of yoga and relax. There will be lots of unstructured time. In terms of yoga retreats this may be considered 'light' rather than 'serious'. If you are unsure whether this retreat is for you or not please contact Melissa directly.


You'll get to experience several styles of yoga - hatha, flow, yoga4strength and restorative. Plus you'll be guided through some mindfulness activities - yoga nidra, meditation and pranayama.

The level of yoga we offer is gentle to moderate with lots of room to play and explore. Expect plenty of time on the floor to roll around and chill out. You can also count on exploring sun salutations, standing poses like warriors and triangles, balances like half moon and tree, gentle backbends and seated poses.

If you are after a more advanced level of classes (deep stretches, fast paced movements, getting really sweaty) the style of yoga we teach might not be for you. We don't offer fast vinyasa flows, deep backbends like wheel or poses like handstands and headstands. Not that there is anything wrong with those poses or level of intensity! It just isn't us :)

We do recommend that you have some experience with yoga to attend this retreat.



Melissa Krieger has been teaching yoga full time since 2005, running retreats since 2016 and is excited to host her 13th weekend retreat at Stowel Lake Farm! Melissa firmly believes in the importance of self care, which is taking time out for yourself to rest, restore and relax. 

If you aren't familiar with Melissa click here to get to her bio and click here to see a few of her videos to get a feel for her teaching style and personality.


Laura Benson has been teaching yoga since 2012. She is delighted to teach alongside her mentor, Melissa, at the rejuvenating Stowel Lake Farm. Laura guides classes with a mix of dynamic slow flow and long holds with a focus on mindfulness which empowers you to be where you are.

If you aren't familiar with Laura you can try one of her free classes here.

October 18

Opening to the Flow of Now - Mindful Yoga and Meditation Retreat

November 21

Yoga & Knitting Retreat