
Here is some helpful information to enhance your retreat experience at Stowel Lake Farm.

The Stowel Lake Farm (SLF) community looks forward to hosting you. Please read over it carefully.

Arrival and Departure

Check In

Check in is from 3 - 5 pm PST on the retreat start date. Please do not arrive on the farm before check-in time.

Ferry Pick-ups

If you have signed up for a ferry pick-up from Fulford Harbour through your retreat organizer, please note that the Farm team will pick you up approximately 10 minutes after the ferry unloads to avoid traffic.

Check Out

Check out is after lunch on the last day of the retreat. Guests need to be checked out of their rooms by 1:00 pm PST and must depart the farm no later than 1:30 pm PST.

a decorative gradient background
People gathering in the courtyard to eat and connect during a retreat
A display of flowers arranged to create a smooth fade from purple flowers into yellow

Communication & Telephones

There is WiFi throughout the farm but limited cellular service. This means that you will not be able to make calls on your cell phone without a WiFi connection. If you need to receive or take a call while on retreat, be sure to enable Wifi calling on your phone. To preserve the sanctity of the retreat, please minimize cell phone use during your stay.


While most of the Farm is a non-smoking/vaping environment, and not permitted in any of our buildings, there is space set aside for this purpose on site.

Candles & Incense

Open flames are not permitted in any of the accommodations. Please do not burn candles or incense in your room during your stay.


To prevent the discomfort of others, please ensure you do not wear strong scents during your stay with us.


While having things go missing is rare, the Farm is not liable for any lost or stolen items. If you have concerns about any items, please leave them at home.

Rooms and Housekeeping

To support guests in having a true respite there are no telephones or televisions in any of the guest rooms.

  • All of the rooms have down bedding and towels. If you are allergic to down please inform your retreat leader so that hypoallergenic bedding can be prepared.

  • For retreats longer than 5 days fresh towels will be provided and garbage cans will be emptied half way through your stay.

A grassy pathway leading to a gat made out of driftwood before the entrance of the VIllage Building
A tidy and clean two bedroom room overlooking trees in the Village Building at Stowel Lake Farm


Please come prepared for an outdoor environment and for the weather, as appropriate. Some suggestions are provided below:

  • Comfortable clothing, warm layers, rain jacket, sun protection

  • Slip on shoes are nice for going in and out of buildings

  • Rubber boots (for spring & fall retreats)

  • Slippers or indoor shoes - no shoes in indoor spaces

  • Flashlight

  • Water bottle

  • Outdoor towel (we provide indoor-only towels)

  • Bath towel only if you’re camping

  • Ear plugs, if needed.

  • Toiletries including body wash, shampoo & conditioner

  • Cash for farm stand purchases and gratuities

  • Optional: blanket for the grass


The SLF team accepts gratuities on behalf of housekeeping, kitchen and facility staff. All gratuities are pooled amongst the staff but if you would like to leave a message for a particular staff member, we will be sure to pass that on. Please ask your retreat leader for details.


  • Details on your meal plan while at the Farm are provided by your retreat leader.

  • Please observe posted meal times for your retreat.

  • Between meals there is a fruit bowl, toast, crackers and nut butter available.

  • There is a tea table in the Barn and available at all times throughout the retreat.

  • Coffee is served at breakfast only.

  • There is a fridge available for any snacks or food/drink you would like to bring to the Farm.

  • Please ensure your retreat host is informed of any dietary restrictions or allergies.

People serving themselves at a table of breads salads and roasted vegetables


Please be careful around the Farm and come prepared for an outdoor environment. As could be expected, there are areas that are uneven or slippery.


Some areas of the Farm may not be as well lit as others and there are occasional power outages. Please ensure you bring your own flashlight. The light on your phone is fine.


Please be mindful of noise and the potential impact on others. If you are sensitive to noise while sleeping, please bring your own earplugs.


In the event of an emergency, please advise any SLF employee and/or your retreat leader. There is also the house phone available in the Barn 24 hours a day. First aid kits are available if needed and fire extinguishers are in all buildings.

If you need to be contacted in case of an emergency at home, please use our office number 250-653-4308

A woman strolls down a gravel path through flowering gardens on a sunny day at Stowel Lake Farm
Shovels and other gardening tools arranged neatly on a background of wood and straw

Nature & Hiking

During your stay, you can walk the public part of the farm, which includes the large perennial garden and farming operations. Longer walks and hikes are off-site and some require the use of a vehicle to get to the trailhead. Hiking maps of Salt Spring Island are available, including walks to swimming lakes near the Farm.

More About The Farm

Thank you for choosing to retreat on the Farm. If you are interested in learning the story of how the SLF community came to be, our book ‘Seven Seasons on Stowel Lake Farm’ is available for perusal or purchase. You can learn more about our book here.