A Bountiful Summer Season!

After the fullness of spring, it’s hard to believe we have passed the summer solstice and are already tipping in the other direction.

Currently, we find ourselves in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the summer season on beautiful Saltspring Island. Crops are popping. Bees are buzzing. The Farm Stand is alive with visitors from near and far. Retreat season is in full bloom, and we are welcoming groups of gardeners and farmers to our land to share our knowledge.

Garden to Kitchen Workshop Series!

We recently hosted our very first Garden-to-Kitchen Workshop and it was an amazing experience. Meghan (Head Farmer), Hannah (Farmer), and Adrien (Chef) welcomed folks from the community to the land to experience the joy of harvesting directly from the gardens and enjoying a meal in the Retreat Kitchen. After a rainy start to the day, the clouds lifted and the sun came out to play. As a group, we picked carrots and peas and Meghan and Hannah shared their knowledge of the land and their love of the gardens.

Adrien welcomed everyone into the beautiful Farm Stand kitchen to share a meal, refreshments, smiles and laughs.

We would love for you to join us for an upcoming workshop. Next one is August 15th!

Summer Solstice

As a community we come together intentionally to celebrate the turnings of the seasons. It helps us to stay present and grateful for the opportunity we have to be in communion with the Earth and to learn from Her teachings.

For Summer Solstice this year we came together on June 21st to celebrate the long days, the sun, and the big cycles of life. Traditionally, we take this opportunity to play games, laugh, and smile. This year our celebrations included a competitive relay race and a comedic game of charades. We shared a delicious Farm-to-Table feast.

With full tummies and sore faces from smiling, we wove a willow wreath and sang together. The wreath was woven from Ocean Spray, which was in full bloom. Sunset came too soon, even on the longest day of the year, and we all made our way to our beds tired and full of love.


For us, June often is synonymous with ‘Haying’. We’ve been haying for many years, to feed our alpacas and cow throughout the winter. Timing is critical for hay as you have to get in all in before any chance of rain. Those in charge of the hay keep an eye on the weather and wait for a long enough stretch of consistent sun.

Haying season was particularly special for us this year as one of our young Farmies, Alex, helped to lead the Farm team alongside Milo. Alex has LOVED the hay since he was a tiny fellow. When he was little, he would ride along on the tractor for days it seemed, while the haying was going on.

Milo and Alex did a great job coordinating activities and energizing the group. The rest of the community showed up to move it all into the Cow Barn.

That’s all for now. Love to you all.

The Stowel Lake Farm Community


Summer Quinoa Salad with Lemon Herb Dressing